National Call to Action Day! Thanks to @PrepareAthon @ReadyGov 

Take a few minutes to commit to being ready for disasters that may threaten your community. The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Region V office in Chicago, Ill., is encouraging everyone to take part in America’s PrepareAthon! National Day of Action on April 30 and consider doing at least one activity to improve your resilience to potential disasters.

“Spring in the Midwest can bring a heightened risk for severe weather, so it’s even more critical for people to get ready now,” said FEMA Region V Administrator Andrew Velasquez III. “Be proactive, and engage your family, friends and neighbors in one of the many simple ways to prepare for emergencies.”

Sign up for local alerts and warnings and check for access to wireless emergency alerts. Visit your city and/or county website to find out if they offer emergency alert notifications through their own systems. You should also ensure your cell phone is enabled to receive Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) to warn you of extreme weather and other emergencies in your area. And always heed the weather warnings from your local National Weather Service Office (NWS).

Download the free FEMA app to get and stay prepared: Access disaster safety tips, an emergency kit list, emergency meeting location information, and a map with open shelters. Text ANDROID or APPLE to 43362 (4FEMA) and receive a link for download.

Follow preparedness agencies on Twitter like @FEMA  @FEMARegion5 @Ohio_EMA @rusnivek @ReadyGov @PrepareAthon @CraigatFEMA for quick information and regularly posted preparedness tips.

Develop and test emergency communications plans. Visit for tips on how to ensure your plan is as comprehensive as possible.

Assemble or update emergency supplies. Include drinking water, a first-aid kit, canned food, a radio, flashlight and blankets. Visit for a disaster supply checklist. Don’t forget to store additional supply kits in your car and at the office too.

Collect and safeguard critical documents. Keep copies in your home and store originals in a secure place outside the home, such as a bank safe deposit box.

These easy preparedness steps takes seconds to complete. 


Be a part of the 2015 National Call to Action and be prepared for any disaster or emergency.


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